Tuesday 25 June 2013

life after 25.

the early weeks of my 25th year have been markedly strange. The number of people who have reached out and reconnected since the passing of this fateful birthday has left me feeling as though I require a translator who speaks life to explain to me what has gone on here.

At what point does something become more than a coincidence and turn into a sign, fate, destiny, whatever? And what is being said with these things. Is it a sign that I'm supposed to be here? A sign that I'm not? A sign to welcome them in or push them away? To reach out to someone I miss, or wait for them to come to me?

I don't remember ever having felt like my life looked so clear, and yet the things the clarity has revealed are...confusing. I am so interested to see what this means, where its going, or if its all a meaningless coincidence and life will carry on as usual.